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Λίγα λόγια για τον Βασίλη Κατσαφάδο ...
Λίγα λόγια για τον Βασίλη … Με τον Βασίλη γνωριστήκαμε βράδυ μετά από εκλογές στον Δικηγορικό Σύλλογο της Αθήνας. Εκτοτε γίναμε κάτι σαν ...

April 21, 1967: the double betrayal (Republic and Cyprus) and the modern nostalgists of ... Dionysis Pantis Lawyer
April 21, 1967: the double betrayal (Republic and Cyprus) and the modern nostalgists of ...
Dionysis Pantis Lawyer
April 21, 1067, a gang of sworn, misanthropic and misanthropic officers impose their treasonous criminal power in Greece, abolishing Democracy and Liberties, frustrating the hopes and struggles for more and better Democracy and Liberties, plunging the country into the darkness of treason, of treachery, deformation, intolerance, obscurantism, bad taste, fear, inhuman torture, authoritarianism, police democracy and militarism, the abolition of all civil rights, hostility and brutality towards the youth, scientists and intellectuals of the country and other categories of citizens.
There was nothing worse for a misanthropic and inferior being like those who constituted the gang of the junta than democracy and freedom.
Their oppressed, distorted, authoritarian and inferior "personality" only resents and "rebels" at the thought of their fellow citizens claiming to decide their own affairs and live their lives as they have decided, that the youth of the country can live, fall in love, educate and create freely, that spiritual people create, proving again the difference between man and the subhuman who hates man (whom they represent).
This disadvantaged "personality" tries to fill the internal void of value it lacks from external sources. In the case of the perjured soldier whose country trusts him with its security, places him in the military hierarchy and hands him the necessary military means to achieve it, unable intellectually - cognitively to understand institutionally the function he performs, he perceives the power of the weapons entrusted to him and the (enforced) discipline of his subordinates as his own power, the power he lacks, the power that nourishes his sick ego and discourages his criminal tendency.
He thinks that he can do everything better than the "others": politicians are incompetent and corrupt, scientists are inadequate and disoriented, citizens are influenced by harmful ideas, their superiors have been absorbed by the system, their subordinates are lazy and expendable, young people are immoral and anarchic, etc. And it goes without saying that he begins to believe that he can do everything better when given the chance. . .
Reality and its perception is not his strong point (besides, there are not many - if any - strong points).
In order to satisfy their personality sick of objective and subjective inferiority there is not much they cannot do, they have no inhibitions: They can become agents of a foreign power, undermine the political choices of their fellow citizens, plot, conspire, torture fellow citizens, their colleagues even, who are not "on the right side", betray their country, deny their fellow citizens' rights to dignity, to the free development of their personality, to their freedom of opinion, to their freedom to assemble, to organize freely in associations with legal personality, to trade unions, to strike, to have rights to education and economic activity. They can even take their lives and betray their country since the citizens and the state do not recognize their 'greatness' and their 'truth' ...
Besides, their countrymen do not know what their countrymen should do and how they should live, the conspirators' damaged heads know everything, the rest of them have to reform themselves based on the "beliefs" of the sick swearers. Torture, displacement, terror, death and pain, crime and treason are the tools they use and know. They rejoice when they exercise their sick power over people far better than themselves, who under normal circumstances would feel lucky only by knowing them, whereas now they can humiliate, frighten, terrorize, torture, and even physically exterminate them: poets, sculptors, musicians, composers, scientists, university professors, actors, politicians, lawyers, doctors, parents, students who have the whole future ahead of them to create and evolve, heroes of the resistance and of the fronts that the nation found itself giving its struggles, their honorable military colleagues who honor their oath, all that envy want to emulate and contaminate .
For them the country is sick and not themselves. That is why they must cure it, put it in a "cast" !!!!
But of course the Cypriots don't know either ... And here begins, on April 21, 1967, another tragedy, which will be completed seven years later ...
The criminal gang of perjurers wanted to impose its criminal power in Cyprus as well, extending its national inferiority outside the borders. Hatred of others, envy of anyone else with power they cannot control, leads them to spread pain and destruction wherever they can.
The treacherous disposition towards the nation and Cyprus is shown by the sworn colonels immediately after the establishment of the military junta, by withdrawing the Cyprus Division from the island. In this way, they immediately and completely comply with the foreign powers that oversee the Independence of the Republic of Cyprus, untying their hands, in their plans to create the conditions for Attila's successful invasion. They had no moral scruples about deliberate national diminution, elements totally devoid of morality and patriotism, which if they did not live in less turbulent and perverse times would belong exclusively to their real domain, that of the underworld.
Through known and unknown 'channels' the right (sub)people are gradually being placed in the right positions ....
The result is the destruction of Cyprus and the occupation of 38% of the island by Attila. The National Honor was saved by the Greek Cypriot defenders and the children (19-20 years old) of ELDYK who were left alone against the all-armed and barbaric Attila to write the glorious page of the resistance of the few betrayed against the many barbaric and all-armed many and the saga of ELDYK. They deprived them of victory, dignity, hero's honours, and hid them so that the magnitude of their own crime would not be revealed. Along with these children they deprived an entire nation of their ability to resist, to fight for their dignity and their place in the world, condemning a whole generation to failure and defeat, negatively marking the course of the country ...
And yet after all this hatred, betrayal, destruction, pain and blood, the lives lost or not allowed by the enemies of man to develop and flourish, there are still sad nostalgics today. Slowly, it is the truth, their fearful heads popped up, until they began to take heart by finally living in their beloved environment of the destruction of lives and dreams in the difficult years of memoranda and economic destruction. As if ready for a long time, they came out of their dark holes and started again to accuse, to erode, to attack Democracy, Freedoms, Rights. They want to finish the "work" of their idols. They have no problem, depending on the occasion, either boasting about their pro-humanist past or shamelessly trying to "hide" it. They take advantage of the accumulated anger, the inability of the citizens to look for the causes that led to the crisis, they are again just as ready, in the name of power, to destroy, slander, conceal, "justify". They are just as ready to support foreign economic imposition, to see economic disaster, economic bankruptcy as an opportunity to express their hatred towards society. They easily (automatically and willingly) fall in line with external pressures, they are happy, they serve them because that is how they serve their misanthropic and anti-social political project.
The effort they are making to de-demonize and reconstruct the Greeks' disgust with the Junta and its protagonists, the anti-dictatorial struggle, the Cyprus Treason, serves to revive the same political plan which they now want to carry out by other means (not by military imposition): by humiliating, deceiving, spreading hatred and envy, by infecting, concealing and censoring opinion, by making it impossible for society to defend its rights, by depriving the means of subsistence, the hope for a better tomorrow, for the possibility of fighting to build one's future and that of one's country.
It is again necessary today, democratic citizens, regardless of the political area they support, to isolate these marginal and anti-social types, who are trying, by taking advantage of democracy, the crisis of institutions and the economic crisis, to prevent them from re-imposing the "achievements" of their political idols, references and preferences that they find in the pioneers of the junta of the colonels.
Athens, 21 April 2020,
Dionysis Pantis
tramslated with DeepTranslation
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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