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Λίγα λόγια για τον Βασίλη Κατσαφάδο ...
Λίγα λόγια για τον Βασίλη … Με τον Βασίλη γνωριστήκαμε βράδυ μετά από εκλογές στον Δικηγορικό Σύλλογο της Αθήνας. Εκτοτε γίναμε κάτι σαν ...

Hassan Nasrallah’s public speech in Libanon sent … waves of disappointment among the ruling Turkish Islamists. Why was that so? What... were they expecting?
Written by Dionisis Pantis, Advocate, Appointed to the Greek Supreme Court and Geopolitical Analyst:
Hassan Nasrallah’s public speech in Libanon sent … waves of disappointment among the ruling Turkish Islamists. Why was that so? What... were they expecting?
Hassan Nasrallah's public speech in Lebanon spread waves of … frustration among Turkish Islamists, gray wolves, nationalists, Turkists.
What caused that frustration was the huge difference between what they eagerly expected from that speech and what was actually delivered.
So far, much to the dismay of Turko-Islamists, Iran and Hezbollah did not bite the verbal Turkish hook using which, the Turkish propaganda machine, ‘goes fishing’ in the international communities’ murky waters, in order to, technically, ‘push’ them to ... preach ..
Total war in Israel or even one ... total … Jihad.
Immediately after Nasrallah's speech, which was public, that is, surprisingly in an open space, the Turkish propaganda machine attacks Nasrallah as ... inferior to the crucial circumstances, almost proclaiming him a coward, and indirectly - but clearly- for the same reasons, attacking Iran.
But they fail to explain why they (the Turks) don't escalate the situation accordingly, by themselves, against Israel or USA and yet expect … others to do so.
Meaning, for example, what is the reason they do not
mobilize their fleet in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, where the
American armada stands so that they could operate … in a counterbalance mode against Americans and Israelis…
Or, moreover, why don't they threaten to ... withdraw from NATO or even cease their flourishing trade relations with Israel. Of course they do not intend to do so, as they have no intention of doing any of the above. On the contrary, they aspire to convey the significance of the Israeli oil/gas through pipelines passing through Turkey.
This attitude is a bit reminiscent of the traditional shadow theater and its leading figure, beloved both in Greece and in Turkey, Karagiozis, when he says with all passion and heroism, I quote: “all of YOU fight and all of YOU die for the country” (in this particular case for the common religion, the Umma).
However, the Turkish-Islamists who are apparently (literally) enraged, also remind us of another famous Greek proverb: "the wolf (grey black or green) in chaos rejoices".
Reinterpreted: given the bottomless Turko-Islamic/Neo-Ottoman ambition
in 2053 to be ... planet lords, they would very much like an all-out Iran/Hezbollah
(Arabs included as well, if possible, i.e. Gulf Kingdoms, Egypt, etc.) conflict with Israel and the USA.
They would rub their hands with glee in the case that:
1. It would weaken all enemies and "friends" (so to speak) and
2. They would then present Turkey with their NATO status and the
anti-Israeli rhetoric intact and their power unattached as saviors to the Islamic masses/consumers of Turkish products and
... propaganda, as well as the west as the ideal ... mediator.
So they would all do them the favor, both “friends” and
adversaries, of crushing each other in order for the Turks to emerge as the only unscathed regional rulers and,
why not, something even more than that. Turkey intensely reminds everyone in the Middle East of how good things used to be
(apparently for the Sultan and the local pashades) in the region during the time all the Middle East was occupied by the Ottomans and when they lived and under the Ottoman rule and how peaceful life was then for ...
their subjects.
After the Turks went well after Libya, Syria, Iraq, Armenia etc they have desired to ... be the guarantor
of the security and peace in the entire Middle East! They, moreover, have the same objective to accomplish not only in the Middle East but also in North
Africa, in the Balkans (as protectors of the Islamic states of Albania, Kosovo,
Islamic Bosnia and Herzegovina and of the Muslim cultural-religious minorities, that consider them as
remnants of the Ottoman Empire). They also desire to be dominant in Caucasus too, and there they promote their plans through Azerbaijan (under the notion of “two
states one ethnicity” that constitutes both countries) and their pan-Turanic ambitions in the remaining Turkic, as they called them, states in the
Central Asia.
Keeping the afore-mentioned in mind, it is worth wondering what their opinion is of the mental status of the US, Israel, Iran, Hezbollah, Arabs,
Muslim World leaders who underestimate them so much …
It is a fact that Turkey's credibility in the Muslim world was, as long
as Turkey was ruled by the Kemalists, at a near to zero level. Actually the Muslim world considered Turkey, correctly most probably, as the long arm of the West in the Middle East and in the entire
Muslim world, more to say, as the only fully loyal to the west Muslim country, the only Muslim full member of the NATO Organization.
But it is also true that the Turkish Islamists themselves, also came into power in Turkey with the
aid or at least the consent of the USA and they (the Turkish Islamists) certainly never questioned NATO and their loyalty to the alliance (apart from recent "tangles" with Swedish membership to NATO etc) that constitutes THE cornerstone organization
of the Western security and from which they derive incredibly important advantages for their internal security and their international position.
Muslims, both Shiites and Sunnis, Iranians and Arabs alike, see that the Turks
are trying to fit two watermelons in the same armpit and “carry: them the safely all the long way home: loyalty to NATO
and Islamic anti-Westernism and of course ... the distrust remains.
As skilled as the Islamic Turks are in the Ottoman bazaar and the "Turanians",
the Islamists gray nationalist allies, it seems that, with the crisis in Gaza under consideration, became rather tight for them, and
they risk being isolated ... on both sides, both by the West and by the Muslim world.

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